Monday, November 22, 2010


1. Officially termed as Jammu Kashmir State and surrounded by Pakistan, India, China and Afghanistan, Kashmir has a population of over 16 million, more than individual populations of as many as133 independent nations of the world

2. For longer part of its history, Kashmir has been an independent country with its frontiers expanding and shrinking periodically. Kashmir reached the zenith of its glory and prosperity during its independence.

3. The economic potentials of Kashmir are such that within a decade or two of its re-unification and independence, it can become the most prosperous country of the region. Kashmir is called “Switzerland of Asia” and “Nature’s Show-Window” for its fascinating natural beauty and climate most pleasant and full of health. Kashmir valley and Gilgit Baltistan in particular are famous the world-over also for dozens of sky high-peaks including K-2 and Nanga Parbat. All this can invite millions of tourists every year. Kashmir is very rich in water resources and can generate electricity on a large scale that is badly needed by its neighboring countries. Fruit, timber, minerals and herbs are found in abundance in different parts of the State. The handicrafts of Kashmir, famous the world-over, can prove a valuable asset. Watch making industry, already functioning in Srinagar on a small scale, can be developed.

4. The overall literacy rate in Kashmir is higher than that of both India and Pakistan.

5. Both India and Pakistan are committed, through their declarations made on national and international level, to concede independence to Kashmir.

6. At the time Pakistani tribesmen and Indian armed forces invaded it in October 1947, Kashmir was a fully independent State, the British paramountcy over it having ended on August 15, 1947 when the British had quit the Sub-Continent.

7. Kashmir has an area of 222,000 sq. Kms. spread over five regions, Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Ladakh under Indian control since 1948 and Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan under Pakistan. The population of Indian administrated areas is over 10 million and those living in Azad Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan and abroad number over 6 million.

8) 30% of the present Indian
hydroelectricity is produced in

9) 7 out of the 11 hydroelectric
projects announced by NHPC are
...located in KAshmir accounting to 60%
of the total electricity production. ...

10) NHPC in rest of the Inidan ......States
works on 50:50 sharing basis...i.e. 50%
of the electricity goes to the stste and
50% is given to NHPC for the
investement they put.... But in
KAshmir the equation changes....
Only12% is given to Kashmir as a
royalty and 88% is taken away by
NHPC & supplied to the northern grid
of INDIA via Punjab to DELHI HARYANA

11) Incidently, Peak hour requiremnet
of Electricity in Kashmir is 2000
Megawatts.... Not able to fulfill it, the
goverment of J&K has to buy
electricity worth 3600 crores annualy
from the same northern grid to which
it supplies its produced electricity....

12) NHPC succeds in producing the
cheapest possible electricity in
KAshmir i.e 25 paise per unit... But to
fulfill its peak hour requirement,
Kashmir has to buy the same
electricity at 10 Rupees a unit from the
northern grid.... What profits man...

13) Indus water treaty which was
signed between India & PAkistan lays
doewn the sharing pattern of the
water bodies originating in KAshmir...
As per that treaty, 3 rivers are shared
by Inida to fulfill its water deficiency
and the rest of the 3 are shared by
PAkistan...... Wat KAshir gets in return
is 12 % royalty from India..... hahaha...
i feel like laughing on them

14) Punjab owes 1000s of crores to
kashmir but the problem is that
instead of raising a voice nobody

15) As per the figuures given by OMAR
ABDULLAH in MAy, KAshmir sufferes an
annual loss of 50000 crores wen its
water is used by Inida and pakistan....
Keeping the share 50%, KAshmir is
suffering a loss of wooping 25000
crores annulay because of INIDA.....
Incidently, in the year 2009-10,
kashmir recieved an annual central
assistance of 13952 crores from

16) Out of these 13952 crores, 3600
crores was spent on buying its own
electricity from the northern grid
which was stolen by INida.... 5500
crores was used for the defense
purpose just because 900000 troops
are present to guard kashmir from
1500 militants (Governement figure)
present over here..... Rest of the
money is being used for
developement purpose.... And still
they say that we wont be able to
withstand ourselves after we acheive
freedom from there illegal occupation
by the grace of Allah inshallah soon.

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